Kids can be tricky...especially when you are the gullible Aunt.

My Sister in Law is in school. She has recently returned to become a Nurse Practitioner. With a crazy schedule and a husband who is jet set for work from the start of Spring Training through the World Series, it can be tough. It is a good thing that she is the high energy, OCD type. Between classes, caring for a little one (let's call him Mini-Sox) and a house to maintain...she always pulls it off and does it so amazingly well!
Grammy (aka Minnow...her self selected name) helps with Mini-Sox and Pops (Grandpa's self selected name) does his fair share as well. Since Mini-Sox started attending pre-school, life seems to be a bit easier for the family. During the week when needed, they have hired help or Minnow & Pops to assist with the school drop off, evening pick up, dinner and bedtime. It is only when all possibilities are exhausted that Auntie Homemaker is called.
It's not to say I don't like kids or that I am bad with, I LOVE kids and can't wait to give Mini-Sox some cousins. It's more that at this point in my life my schedule is pretty crazy and I feel awful that I don't get to see Mini-Sox more often.
Last night was my first shift in a long time as the 'babysitter.' With Mini-Sox being more self-sufficient and able to communicate, it's really a pretty easy job. The hardest part for me is not being dooped by someone just a fraction of my age.
The night began with after school pick up. I feared I wouldn't find a parking place in the bustling downtown area where Mini-Sox's preschool is and that his parents would be charged the $1 a minute late fee...but that was anxiety wasted and I pulled right into one just steps from the building.
Then I worried I may have to negotiate with Mini-Sox his departure from his friends, class pets and toys...but again, things went smoothly.
As we rode in the car home, Mini-Sox asked if we could watch a movie. Knowing his Mom and Dad often let him have a little bit of TV time in the evening, I didn't see anything wrong with that. Working my way through the busy rush hour packed streets, Mini-Sox informed me his Mommy says that 'if I watch a short movie, I can watch the whole thing...but if I watch a long movie, then I will only get to watch half.' Wow, that was a pretty honest of him!
The movie of choice, Monsters Inc. It was 5:22...dinner was to be served at 6:30. Figuring the film was like any other I would watch, I assumed letting Mini-Sox watch until dinner would be fine. Laying out the ground rules, I said 'You can watch the movie until dinner, so when the clock says 6:30, we need to turn it off.' Mini-Sox, being the good boy he is smiled and agreed.
Mini-Sox's Mom is an incredible cook. Every time I am in the kitchen with her, I resort myself to being her sous chef. Dinnertime was a breeze, she had a spicy marinated flank steak all cut up, potato salad, green salad and broccoli all ready to go in the fridge. When 6:30 finally rolled around I noticed the movie was almost over! Seems that kiddo movies are shorter than the ones for us adults. I couldn't bring myself to making him turn it Auntie Gullible let the movie run it course and we ate dinner at 6:45.
Having had dinner with Mini-Sox quite often, I knew there would have to be some negotiating. Partially my fault, I put way too much food on his plate...the inevitable battle of finishing your dinner began. All in all, it was not too bad. He ate his veggies/sides and a good portion of the steak. Satisfied with his attempts, it was dessert time...every kids favorite (and Hubs' too)!
Much like how I love to spoil my nephew when I can, my sister in law does the same for the Pups. Having recently had him over for a few days, when I was on the road for work, they had delicious Yoghunds (doggie ice cream) in the freezer. Mini-Sox was delighted by the idea that he AND Pups would be having ice cream for dessert.
As they dug in, I realized I still had one dinner battle before me...getting Mini-Sox to finish his glass of milk. Nearing the end of his bowl of chocolaty delight, I asked if he had ever had ice cream soup?!?! You see, when I was younger I would often mash up my ice cream and stir it into the consistency of a milk shake. As I ate and the ice cream warmed it became soupy...I called this ice cream soup.
Intrigued by my question, Mini-Sox was game for trying it out. I explained to him that he should pour his milk into his bowl of melting ice cream and stir. With a delighted smile he giggled and said that Mommy would not like him doing he did it anyway, as happy as can be. I pulled out a can of whipped cream, gave him a squirt and declared we had made ice cream soup! Mini-Sox LOVED it, as I knew he would. He is just crazy about chocolate and banilla (this is how he says vanilla) milk, so of course thoroughly enjoyed this!

Mini-Sox's Mom was let out of class early...phew, this saved me from the last potential battle I was fearing that night - bedtime haha! While Mom fixed herself a plate for dinner, Mini-Sox asked if I would play a game with him. I agreed and you know what he pulled out? A true classic...Chutes and Ladders!



We played a couple of rounds. Final score was Mini-Sox 1, Auntie 1.
I enjoyed a nice chat and glass of wine with my super fabulous Sister in Law before heading home for the night.

Thanks! Love Mama Sox.
ReplyDeleteIt was a great time and I hope you enjoyed the post! I promise to get better at winning more of the negotiations/battles haha!!
ReplyDeleteI love ice cream soup - I ate it the same way when I was a kid.
ReplyDeleteYou ARE ready!