A Classic New England Spring




Perhaps I jinxed myself when I asked Hubs the week of his departure whether it would be safe to put the shovels away in the shed. Or maybe it was just my newly discovered love for the get outside and walk routine with the pups. No matter, s#!* happens...and it really happened for me.
*Imagine, we survive the entire winter with no mishaps and then Mother Nature and the neighbor's cherry tree decided to change it all.
With no Hubs, I immediately sent an email request to family and friends that went like this...
From: Little Ms. Homemaker
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 7:56 AM
Sent: Wednesday, April 28, 2010 7:56 AM
To: Family & Friends
Subject: Got Snow...or a chainsaw?
Hello all,
As you are also experiencing, or may know about, we are getting quite the snowfall here. Beginning yesterday and anticipated to go through the day today, with the winter storm advisory in effect until 11am. Tomorrow is predicted to get back up into the 50’s with the weekend of 70-80’s. Weird weather…
I snapped some pics this morning after my walk with Briggs. The first was just to show the amount of snow we have received…but then as I was getting ready for work; from our bedroom I heard a loud noise. Looking outside at the cars I didn’t notice anything…nope didn’t notice until after I cleaned off the car, was soaking wet and about to head out to work a bit early. Much to my surprise a good chunk of one of the trees outback has come down. Thank goodness Briggs and I were safely inside and no cars/property was damaged…other than our fence.
With my own Mr. Fix-it on the road, I am not sure what I will do to resolve this issue, but thought I’d ask if anyone has a chainsaw??
Along with a few additional minor ‘mishaps’ (like being sprayed completely with slush from an oncoming car, etc), it’s been a doozy of a morning.
Any advice on the tree is much appreciated and I hope everyone is having a better start to the day than I am :-P
Thanks all!
Much love,
I snapped some pics this morning after my walk with Briggs. The first was just to show the amount of snow we have received…but then as I was getting ready for work; from our bedroom I heard a loud noise. Looking outside at the cars I didn’t notice anything…nope didn’t notice until after I cleaned off the car, was soaking wet and about to head out to work a bit early. Much to my surprise a good chunk of one of the trees outback has come down. Thank goodness Briggs and I were safely inside and no cars/property was damaged…other than our fence.
With my own Mr. Fix-it on the road, I am not sure what I will do to resolve this issue, but thought I’d ask if anyone has a chainsaw??
Along with a few additional minor ‘mishaps’ (like being sprayed completely with slush from an oncoming car, etc), it’s been a doozy of a morning.
Any advice on the tree is much appreciated and I hope everyone is having a better start to the day than I am :-P
Thanks all!
Much love,
Little Ms. Homemaker

The response was great and ultimately the privilege of using their chainsaw within the city limits went to B&A with much appreciated help from my folks.
To thank them, my mother and I provided a Korean bag of treats including marinated kalbi, kimchi, kimchi pancakes, hot bean paste, and Korean rice. Being the foodies they are and having the love for Korean food they do, it was perfect!

Hubs and I don't know what we would do without such amazing family and friends in our lives!
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