I assume this happens to almost everyone at some level, right?!?! Those lucky few who don't know what I'm talking about...really have it made.
I try to see the glass half full and roll with the punches. However in my case, I've been going flat out for months now and digging deep for the energy and will to go in day after day.
Whether it is the economy that has changed, or unofficially my job description...there is a lot on my plate! We have been in full out proposal writing and lead chasing mode; running at 110% with no let up.
The fall is always crazy with travel and BD pushes...I'm used to that. Usually following this time (which I call Conference Season), is the calmer winter where I can catch up with office must-dos and get the energy back up again.
Normally I like to take the holidays to sleep, relax and just balance. The reason I do this then, is things usually slow down at work and I manage to get two weeks out of the office between Christmas and New Years. This year however we had deadlines right up until and during that time...no vacation for you Lil' Ms Homemaker!
Once we made it through that initial craziness, I figured things have got to slow down and welcomed the New Year. Wrong! We're still in a full court press to get proposals out the door, with almost as many new opportunities coming in.
One positive note amidst all this is that they finally hired a graphic designer/marketing person to help...I have to say she is ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS! She has quite literally been a godsend to the firm and ME. Without her there, I may have fallen into an official clinical breakdown state...thank goodness she is so SUPER GREAT!!
Just last week, the firm made a last minute decision to pursue a job. We had the Request for Proposal (RFP) in the office since December, but then it was decided, just two and half working days before the due date, we were really going to go after it.
Ugh, I somewhat suspected what was coming my way!
When all was said and done, we got it out and turned in just before the deadline (literally 3 minutes before the cutoff). The process was stressful and pushed me close to the limits of sanity. So what did I need? I needed to cook...but of course I was working late. What else did I need in addition to cooking?? Something comforting...straight up quick fix comfort food asap!!
What was I going to get to cope and heal?!?!? One of my most favorite things to consume in sandwich form...Reubens!



Just a few days prior, B&A gifted us a wonderful loaf of homemade bread. B said he was testing out his new no-knead recipe. The loaf was beautiful!! [The hand off had incidentally occurred between our hockey locker rooms and my receiving of the awesome loaf was envied by my fellow hockey mates.]

The bread was buttered (yes Hussy, we use imitation spread! I know, I know....bad. But it's what we grew up with!). The Thousand Island dressing liberally applied and the sandwiches stacked.
The outside was toasted and the inside warmed to get that gooey cheesy goodness.
Fitting right into one of those quick 30 minute or less fixes and being a little food for the soul...
On the stove I warmed some sauerkraut and heated our griddle pan.



The sandwiches were delicious and did the job, just as I self-prescibed they would.
Thank you B&A for that fabulous bread, it really made these sandwiches a success!!
To all the blog readers, I promise to try cutting down with the work complaints...hey it's life right?!?! With food and cooking at hand...the glass is always going to be half full and we're gonna keep rolling with the punches!!
Ahh...the healing powers of The Reuben :O)
Don't traditional Reubens have Thousand Island Dressing? Just askin'...I've never had one! Yea, but the real butter thing: I'm sorry, there really isn't any substitute.
ReplyDeleteYes, they do! And we liberally spread that good stuff on!! Haha on the butter, just had to be truthful on that one :O)