Hubs seems settled and getting through the days in his temporary home away from home.
Being where they are, he is fortunate enough to access to pretty much anything he needs. I've asked over and over, 'is there anything I can send you?' His reply is always the same and that it is not necessary.
Well what fun is this trip away, if I can't send a care package gosh darn it?!?! I mean come on, we've gotta take advantage of the few enjoyable parts, right?!?
I tend to be pretty pushy and I am sure it is just my nature...I mean I am in Business Development after all. When Hubs and I go out to dinner I often try to force feed him a taste of my entree (secretly hoping he'll offer me the same). Being pretty darned sure it is because I want him to try it, he resists. You see we can both be very stubborn, but in most cases I know best haha!! Truthfully more times than not, I usually end up disappointed in this standoff and he gets through dinner without sharing.
Seeing my opportunity to get in the last word (or rather action here), I went right ahead a put together a package of things Hubs did not need, nor did he ask for. Instead I sent things I thought he might like...I mean really, I knew he would love this and what would he do send it back?!?! Haha, yeah right!


SO SIMPLE - slice meat, marinade 6-8 hrs, and cook in over at 200 degrees for 4 hours.


Good News
The samples I brought into work were a HUGE hit, especially the Korean one
Bad News
Some of the Korean jerky sent abroad had white fuzzy stuff growing on it.
Good News
Hubs found a few pieces without the furry stuff and tried it (um, yeah can't say I would have been that brave haha!) He said it was good, perfect jerky texture...but 'fresh'.
Bad News
The dryer sheets were not such a great idea. The strong smell permeated the jerky giving them a hint of freshness if you know what I mean.
Good News
The Mexican variety seemed to have made it and minus the dryer sheet smell would have been fantastic!
This was just attempt #1. I now have in my possession a vacuum sealer apparatus!! I am going to try again and super seal this stuff, without the protection of dryer sheets :o)
Thank you Hubs for the pics from your home away from home & for the detailed account of how it all tasted/looked. I won't even try to ask on a scale of 1-10 what you thought...we'll save that for a better batch haha!!
Also, I am so happy you enjoyed the package...I knew you would haha!!
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