Missing Hubs a ton, so much so that I have lost my blogging groove. I am desperately trying to get it back...*
While Hubs has officially hit the road on his ever-so important adventure, I am here...I am in this place we call 'home.' How strange that 'home' does not feel like 'home' without him. There is an emptiness, a stillness...a silence that makes the heart heavy and eyes watery. So as I said in the last post...'this is what it is going to be like.' *
I've left his used coffee spoon balancing just on the edge of the kitchen sink and the pile of comfy sweats by the couch. I explain to inquiring folks that it makes me feel better. It tricks me into believing that he is still here. One BFF so thoughtfully supported my need for these things and said I should feel free to leave those marks of Hubs until I am good and ready to move them...which is exactly what I plan to do.*
A planner by nature, I've realized this is actually one of my problems at the moment. In this first week I've realized that planning and pondering the days, months, and seasons ahead are not helping my 'grieving.' I've turned over a newish leaf. I'm now a person who is attempting to take it 'one thing at a time.'*As part of my dealing I have been creating a routine of distractions for myself and the Pups. Trying to keep them positive activities, Pups and I are walking 2-3 x a day, I'm drinking herbal teas (rather than copious amounts of alcohol), and taking time each day to get lost in a book. Not to mention our extensive group of family, friends and even blogging friends have been great supports and always around! Thank you all!!!
While having taken some days off from cooking, I did dabble a bit - 1) accompaniments for a delightful Hockey Chili Party and 2) for an omelet one night. Nothing major yet, as it has been hard to find the energy and desire to cook. My hope is that this will all change beginning today. *Today is the day I begin my annual house sitting duties, which includes access to the most amazing kitchen I've ever had the pleasure of cooking in. I just cannot wait to show you all!!!!*
*Hubs & Ms. Homemaker's
2010 Post St. Patty's Day Feast
Just after St. Patty's Day I buy the Manager's Special...corned beef.
Like how so many who eat Boiled Dinners for the Irish Holiday, Hubs and I wait until Post St. Patty's Day for our enjoyment of the feast.
Peppercorns (fancy ones courtesy of B&A and their trip out west!) and bay leaves.*
Corned Beef, water and spices are added to a LARGE pot. Next year, I think I will attempt to brine my own. In fact that sounds like a great technique to practice while Hubs is gone...to brine meat!
Cabbage, potatoes and some onion.
Our Boiled Dinner...yum!
The corned beef is great...the cabbage and other components for the boiled dinner are just as gosh darn awesome!!

We tend to keep it simple. The final dish is served up with spicy mustard.
There never seems to be as many leftovers as I would like. At Thanksgiving you end up eating turkey for a week. Me...well I'd love to have enough leftover corned beef to eat for that for a week! Instead we made do with two days worth...but boy is it all worth it :O)
I will have to look through the library of pics, but I do think this is it for Hubs-happy meals...at least for the time being. I hope to find my groove in the coming days when faced with access to one of the most amazing kitchens I've spent time in. In addition to the commercial size burners, double ovens, top of the line tools, pans etc...did I mention they have a huge subzero fridge/freezer AND pantry always fully stocked!?!?!
Fingers crossed this will be a little slice of heaven as we transition into this new routine! Not to mention it is the season ending hockey tournament this weekend!! Some quality time with my team and good old competitive exercise should also hit the spot!!!